Put on your yarmulke, it's time for an After Hours Chanukah Special.
The victims guests? None other than regular After Hours visitor Matt Damon and his "We Bought a Zoo" costar Scarlett Johansson. So if you ever wanted to see Matt sing "The Dreidel Song" or Scarlett attempt to pronounce "Fyvush Finkel," now is your chance. You're welcome, world.
We must say, we were a bit surprised and impressed by Matt, who gave Jewish goddess ScarJo a run for her money in the quiz. While neither of them could name Mayim Bialik, the actress best known as Blossom Russo on NBC's "Blossom," at least he knew that she has gone on to become a rabbi. Between that and Scarlett's suggestion that gefilte fish isn't actually gross, we think he might be the winner in this epic showdown.
Then again, we do want to give Scarlett an additional five points for not only not being offended when Josh Horowitz called her movie, "We Bought A Jew," but then also firing back that it's actually titled "We Shovel Poo." The latter not only is apt, but also hilarious. We've got to love a girl with a sense of humor. It only helps that she does a spot-on impression of Seth Rogen's laugh. L'chaim!
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